Tel Aviv University

Tel Aviv University
Physics Colloquium

Academic Year  2000 - 2001

 colloquium is held at Melamed Hall (Room 6) in the Shenkar Physics Building, every Sunday at 16:10. Light refreshments are served outside Melamed Hall at 15:50. 

Sunday, 11 March 16:00

"Finding the Lost Phase: Optical Applications of Phase Retrieval"

Steve Lipson, The Technion


When you observe an object's diffraction pattern, you can record the
intensity, but lose all knowledge of the phase of the scattered radiation.
But a minimal knowledge of some properties of the object can allow the
phase to be derived from the intensity distribution. This is the basis of
modern X-ray crystallography. It has also led to the development of some
new methods in optical testing, which were dramatically proven with the
Hubble Space Telescope and which we have recently applied to other

Next Colloquium Fall 2000 Schedule Spring 2001 Schedule
For more information or for directions to Melamed Hall please contact: Yardena Mori  +972-3-6408636

To suggest potential speakers or register feedback contact:  David J. Bergman  +972-3-6405145

Sponsored by:   The School of Physics & Astronomy, The Raymond and Beverly Sackler Faculty of Exact Sciences, Tel Aviv University.