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  1. Distribution of density in an ion-exosphere of a non-rotating planet, A. Eviatar, A.M. Lenchek and S.F. Singer, Physics of Fluids, 7, 1775- 1779, 1964.
  2. Scattering of a test-particle by enhanced plasma fluctuations, D.A. Tidman and A. Eviatar, Physics of Fluids, 8, 2059-2065, 1965.
  3. The role of electrostatic plasma oscillations in electron scattering in the earths outer magnetosphere, A. Eviatar, Journal of Geophysical Research, 71, 2715-2727, 1966.
  4. Scattering of particles by waves in the presence of a magnetic field, A. Eviatar, Journal of Geophysical Research, 72, 5997-6012, 1967.
  5. Transfer processes in the magnetopause, A. Eviatar, and R.A. Wolf, Journal of Geophysical Research, 73, 5561-5576, 1968.
  6. Origin of drift-periodic echoes in outer-zone electron flux, H.R. Brewer, M. Schulz and A. Eviatar, Journal of Geophysical Research, 74, 159-167, 1969.
  7. Bounce-resonant scattering of auroral-zone electrons, A. Eviatar and M. Schulz, Journal of Geophysical Research, 74, 169-182, 1969.
  8. Diffusion of equatorial particles in the outer radiation zone, M. Schulz and A. Eviatar, Journal of Geophysical Research,74, 2182-2192, 1969.
  9. Ion temperature anisotropies and the structure of the solar wind, A. Eviatar and M. Schulz, Journal of Planetary and Space Science, 18, 321-332, 1970.
  10. The effect of interplanetary shock waves on the brightness of comets, A. Eviatar, J.H, Joseph and M. Dryer, Cosmic Electrodynamics, 1, 239- 251, 1970.
  11. A proposed mechanism for comet flares, A. Eviatar, J.H. Joseph and M. Dryer, Astrophysical Letters, 7, 27-29, 1970.
  12. Finite conductivity and interplanetary piston-driven shock waves, A. Eviatar and M. Dryer, Cosmic Electrodynamics, 1, 371-379, 1970.
  13. Permanent lunar surface magnetism and its deflection of the solar wind, A. Barnes, P. Cassen, J.D. Mihalov and A. Eviatar, Science, 172, 716- 718, 1971.
  14. Electron temperature asymmetry and the structure of the solar wind, M. Schulz and A. Eviatar, Cosmic Electrodynamics, 2, 402-422, 1972.
  15. The plasma physics of the Jovian decameter radiation, M.L. Goldstein and A. Eviatar, Astrophysical Journal, 175, 275-283, 1972.
  16. Turbulent heating of colliding streams in the solar wind, M.L. Goldstein and A.Eviatar, Astrophysical Journal, 179, 627-636, 1973.
  17. Validity of CGL equations in solar-wind problems, M. Schulz and A. Eviatar, Journal of Geophysical Research, 78, 3948, 1973.
  18. Spectroscopic observations of Io, Y. Mekler and A. Eviatar, Astrophysical Journal, 193, L151-L152, 1974.
  19. Replenishment of electrons lost in the South Atlantic anomaly by gyroresonant pitch angle diffusion, M. Ben-Ari and A. Eviatar,Journal of Planetary and Space Science, 23, 671-691,1975.
  20. Interplanetary shock waves and comet brightness fluctuations during June-August 1972, M. Dryer, A. Eviatar, A.Frohlich, A. Jacobs, J.H. Joseph and E.J Weber, Journal of Geophysical Research, 80, 2001-2012, 1975.
  21. A statistical theory of electromagnetic waves in plasmas, Y. Ben- Israel, T. Piran, A. Eviatar and J. Weinstock, Astrophysics and Space Science, 38, 125-155, 1975.
  22. Quasi-exospheric heat flux of solar-wind electrons, A. Eviatar and M. Schulz, Astrophysics and Space Science, 39, 65-73,1976.
  23. Sodium in the Jovian magnetosphere, Yu. Mekler, A. Eviatar and F. V. Coroniti, Astrophysics and Space Science, 40, 63-73, 1976.
  24. Jovian Sodium plasma, A. Eviatar, Yu. Mekler and F.V Coroniti, Astrophysical Journal, 205, 622-633, 1976.
  25. Plasma density in the outer Jovian magnetosphere, A. Eviatar and A.I. Ershkovich, Journal of Geophysical Research, 81, 4027-4028, 1976.
  26. Detection of ionized Sulfur in the Jovian magnetosphere, I. Kupo, Yu. Mekler and A. Eviatar, Astrophysical Journal, 205, L51-L53,1976.
  27. An alternative interpretation of Jupiter's ``Plasmapause'', M. Neugebauer and A. Eviatar, Geophysical Research Letters, 3, 708-710, 1976.
  28. Charged particle absorption by Io, M. Schulz and A. Eviatar, Astrophysical Journal 211, L149-L154, 1977.
  29. Magnetic field reconnection in a collisionless plasma, F.V. Coroniti and A. Eviatar, Astrophysical Journal, Supplements 33, 189-210,1977.
  30. Jovian sulfur nebula, Yu. Mekler, A. Eviatar and I. Kupo, Journal of Geophysical Research, 82, 2809-2814, 1977.
  31. On the detectability of forbidden lines, Yu. Mekler and A.Eviatar, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 17, 531- 533, 1977.
  32. Possible origins of time variability in Jupiter's magnetosphere, III. variations in the heavy ion plasma,A. Eviatar, C.F. Kennel and M. Neugebauer, Geophysical Research Letters, 5, 287-290, 1978.
  33. Thermal electron density in the Jovian magnetosphere, Yu. Mekler and A. Eviatar, Journal of Geophysical Research, 83, 5679-5684, 1978.
  34. A beaming model of the Io-independent Jovian decameter radiation based on multipole models of the Jovian magnetic field, M.L. Goldstein, A. Eviatar and J.R. Thieman, Astrophysical Journal, 229, 1186-1197, 1979.
  35. An emission mechanism for the Io-independent Jovian decameter radiation, M.L. Goldstein and A. Eviatar, Astrophysical Journal, 230, 61-273 , 1979.
  36. Temperature anisotropy of the Jovian sulfur nebula. A. Eviatar, G. L. Siscoe and Yu. Mekler, Icarus, 39, 450-458, 1979.
  37. Discontinuities in Jovian sulfur plasma, Yu. Mekler, A. Eviatar and G.L. Siscoe, Monthly Notices, Royal Astronomical Society, 189, 15-17, 1979.
  38. Microscale instabilities in stream interaction regions, A. Eviatar and M.L. Goldstein, Journal of Geophysical Research, 85, 753-766, 1980.
  39. Time-analysis of volcanic activity on Io by means of plasma observations, Yu. Mekler and A. Eviatar, Journal of Geophysical Research, 85, 1307-1310, 1980.
  40. Limit on rotational energy available to excite Jovian aurora, A. Eviatar and G.L. Siscoe, Geophysical Research Letters, 7, 1085-1088, 1980.
  41. Ground-based observations of the Io torus during Voyager 1 encounter: Indications of enhanced plasma injection and transport, A. Eviatar, Yu. Mekler, N. Brosch and T. Mazah, Geophysical Research Letters, 8, 249-253, 1981.
  42. Ring current impoundment of the Io plasma torus, G.L. Siscoe, A. Eviatar, R.M. Thorne, J.D. Richardson, F. Bagenal and J.D. Sullivan, Journal of Geophysical Research, 86, 8480-8484, 1981.
  43. Plasma observations near Saturn: Preliminary results from Voyager 1, H.S. Bridge, J.W. Belcher, A.J. Lazarus, J.D. Sullivan, F. Bagenal, P.R. Gazis, R.E. Hartle, K.W. Ogilvie, J.D. Scudder, E.C. Sittler, A. Eviatar, G.L. Siscoe, C.K. Goertz and V.M. Vasyliunas, Science, 212, 217-224, 1981.
  44. Effects of Io ejecta on Europa, A. Eviatar, G.L. Siscoe, T.V. Johnson and D.L. Matson, Icarus, 47, 75-83, 1981.
  45. The plumes of Titan, A. Eviatar, G.L. Siscoe, J.D. Scudder, E.C. Sittler and J.D. Sullivan, Journal of Geophysical Research, 87, 8091-8104, 1982.
  46. Plasma observations near Saturn: Initial results from Voyager 2, H.S. Bridge, F. Bagenal, J.W. Belcher, A.J. Lazarus, R.L. McNutt J. D. Sullivan, P. R. Gazis, R.E. Hartle, K.W. Ogilvie, J.D. Scudder, E.C. Sittler, A. Eviatar, G.L. Siscoe and V.M. Vasyliunas, Science, 215, 563-570, 1982.
  47. A theory of Jovian decameter radiation, M.L. Goldstein, R.R. Sharma, M. Ben-Ari, A. Eviatar and K. Papadopoulos, Journal of Geophysical Research, 88, 792-802, 1983.
  48. Titan's gas and plasma torus, A. Eviatar and M. Podolak, Journal of Geophysical Research, 88, 833-840, 1983.
  49. Heavy ions in the outer Kronian magnetosphere, A. Eviatar, R.L. McNutt, Jr., G.L. Siscoe and J.D. Sullivan, Journal of Geophysical Research, 88, 823-832, 1983.
  50. Coulomb thermal properties and stability of the Io plasma torus, D.D. Barbosa, F.V. Coroniti and A. Eviatar, Astrophysical Journal, 274, 429-442, 1983.
  51. Ring and plasma: Enigmae of Enceladus, P.K. Haff, A. Eviatar and G.L. Siscoe, Icarus, 56, 426-438,1983.
  52. On the acceleration of energetic ions in Jupiter's magnetosphere, D.D. Barbosa, A. Eviatar and G.L. Siscoe, Journal of Geophysical Research, 89, 3789-3800, 1984.
  53. Aperiodic ion temperature variations in the Io plasma torus, A. Eviatar and Yu. Mekler, Journal of Geophysical Research, 89, 1496-1500 1984.
  54. Jovian magnetospheric neutral wind and auroral precipitation flux, A. Eviatar and D.D. Barbosa, Journal of Geophysical Research, 89, 7393-7398, 1984.
  55. Plasma in Saturn's magnetosphere, A. Eviatar, Journal of Geophysical Research, 89, 3821-3828, 1984.
  56. Europan surface phenomena, A. Eviatar, A. Bar-Nun and M. Podolak, Icarus, 61, 185-191, 1985.
  57. Micrometeoroid impact on planetary satellites as a magnetospheric mass source, P.K. Haff and A. Eviatar, Icarus, 66, 258-269, 1986.
  58. Corotation of the Kronian magnetosphere, A. Eviatar and J.D. Richardson, Journal of Geophysical Research, 91, 3299-3303, 1986.
  59. Instability of a comet ionopause: Consequences of collisions and compressibility, A.I. Ershkovich, D. Prialnik and A. Eviatar, Journal of Geophysical Research, 91, 8782-8788, 1986.
  60. The effect of plasma compressibility on the Kelvin-Helmholtz instability, D. Prialnik, A. Eviatar and A.I. Ershkovich, Journal of Plasma Physics, 35, 209-218, 1986.
  61. Predicted satellite tori in the magnetosphere of Uranus, A. Eviatar and J.D. Richardson, Astrophysical Journal, 300, L99-L102, 1986.
  62. Satellite tori at Saturn, J.D. Richardson, A. Eviatar and G.L. Siscoe, Journal of Geophysical Research, 91, 8749-8755, 1986.
  63. Excitation of MHD waves upstream of Jupiter by energetic sulfur or oxygen ions, M.L. Goldstein, H.W. Wong and A. Eviatar, Journal of Geophysical Research, 91, 7954-7960, 1986.
  64. Plasma observations near Uranus: Initial results from Voyager 2, H.S. Bridge, J.W. Belcher, B. Coppi, A.J. Lazarus, R.L. McNutt, Jr., S. Olbert, J.D. Richardson, M.R. Sands, R.S. Selesnick, J.D. Sullivan, R.E. Hartle, K.W. Ogilvie, J. Scudder, E.C. Sittler, Jr., F. Bagenal, R.S. Wolff, V.M. Vasyliunas, G.L. Siscoe, C.K. Goertz and A. Eviatar, Science, 233, 89-93, 1986.
  65. Planetary fast neutral emission and effects on the solar wind: A cometary exosphere analogue, D.D. Barbosa and A. Eviatar, Astrophysical Journal, 310, 927-936, 1986.
  66. Volcanic control of Io's atmosphere and neutral and plasma torus, A. Eviatar, Journal of Geophysical Research, 92, 8800-8804, 1987.
  67. Limits on the extent of Saturn's hydrogen cloud, J.D. Richardson and A. Eviatar, Geophysical Research Letters, 10, 999-1002, 1987.
  68. A unidimensional model of comet ionosphere structure, A. Eviatar and B.E. Goldstein, Journal of Geophysical Research, 93, 1759-1765, 1988.
  69. Observational and theoretical evidence for anisotropies in Saturn's magnetosphere, J.D. Richardson and A. Eviatar, Journal of Geophysical Research, 93, 7297-7306, 1988.
  70. Evidence for periodic reconnection at Uranus?, J.D. Richardson, J.W. Belcher, R.S. Selesnick, M. Zhang, G.L. Siscoe and A. Eviatar, Geophysical Research Letters, 15, 733-736, 1988.
  71. Energetic ion fluxes in the inner coma of comet P/Halley, A. Eviatar, R. Goldstein, D.T. Young, H. Balsiger, H. Rosenbauer and S. Fuselier, Astrophysical Journal, 339, 545-557, 1989.
  72. A predicted Triton plasma torus in Neptune's magnetosphere, M.L. Delitsky, A. Eviatar and J.D. Richardson, Geophysical Research Letters, 16, 215-218, 1989.
  73. Plasma conductivity for comet Halley's ionosphere, B. Buti and A. Eviatar, Astrophysical Journal, 336, L71-L73, 1989.
  74. Plasma observations near Neptune: Initial results from Voyager 2, J.W. Belcher, H.S. Bridge, F. Bagenal, B. Coppi, O. Divers, A. Eviatar, G.S. Gordon Jr., A.J. Lazarus, R.L. McNutt Jr., K.W. Ogilvie, J.D. Richardson, G.L. Siscoe, E.C. Sittler Jr., J.T. Steinberg, J.D. Sullivan, A. Szabo, V.M. Vasyliunas, L. Villanueva, and M. Zhang, Science, 246, 1478-1483, 1989.
  75. Molecular and atomic hydrogen from Titan in the outer Kronian magnetosphere, A. Eviatar, M. Podolak and J.D. Richardson, Journal of Geophysical Research, 95, 21,007-21,016, 1990.
  76. Water group plasma in the magnetosphere of Saturn, A. Eviatar and J.D. Richardson, Annales Geophysicae, 8. 725-732, 1990.
  77. The Triton torus revisited, J.D. Richardson, A. Eviatar and M.L. Delitsky, Geophysical Research Letters, 10, 1673-1676, 1990.
  78. Outer planet magnetosphere research, A. Eviatar, Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics, 52, 1211-1222, 1990.
  79. Plasma-neutral interaction processes in the magnetosphere of Saturn, A. Eviatar, Advances in Space Science, 12, 367-375, 1992.
  80. The formation of magnetic cavities in comets, Z. Klopman, A. Eviatar and R. Goldstein, Astrophysical Journal, 394, 652-661, 1992.
  81. Thermal plasma in the inner Kronian magnetosphere, A. Eviatar and J.D. Richardson, Annales Geophysicae, 10, 511-518, 1992.
  82. The abundance of OIII in the Jovian magnetosphere and Io torus, F. Bagenal, D.E. Shemansky, R.L. McNutt, R. Schreier, and A. Eviatar, Geophysical Research Letters, 19, 79-83, 1992.
  83. On the stochastic acceleration of particles near Venus, M. Kovner and A. Eviatar, Journal of Planetary and Space Sciences, 41, 767-772, 1993.
  84. Modeling the Europa torus, R. Schreier, A. Eviatar, V.M. Vasyliunas and J.D. Richardson, Journal of Geophysical Research, 98, 21,231-21,244, 1993.
  85. A mechanism of magnetic flux rope formation in the ionosphere of Venus, N.I. Kleeorin, I.V. Rogachevski and A. Eviatar, Journal of Geophysical Research, 99, 6475-6481, 1994.
  86. Plasma Observations in the Ring Plane of Saturn, Z. Gan-Baruch, A. Eviatar, J.D. Richardson and R. L. McNutt Jr., Journal of Geophysical Research, 99, 11,063-11,078, 1994.
  87. Plasma temperature profiles in the magnetosphere of Neptune, A. Eviatar, V.M. Vasyliunas and J.D. Richardson, Journal of Geophysical Research, 100, 19,551-19,557, 1995.
  88. Alfven waves in the vicinity of Uranus: The role of energetic proton thermal anisotropy, I. Ruvinsky and A. Eviatar, Journal of Geophysical Research, 101, 4849-4853, 1996.
  89. Electron temperature profiles in the magnetosphere of Neptune, V.M. Vasyliunas and A. Eviatar, Journal of Planetary and Space Science,   45, 1023-1030, 1997.
  90. A Two Ion Fluid Model with Pressure Anisotropies for the Comet Interaction with the Solar-Wind, Z. Gan-Baruch, R. Wegmann, A. Eviatar and H.U. Schmidt, Computer Physics Communications, 103, 131-144, 1997.
  91. A Two-Dimensional Model of Plasma Transport and Chemistry in the Jovian Magnetosphere, R. Schreier, A. Eviatar and V.M. Vasyliunas, Journal of Geophysical Research, ,103, 19,901-19,913, 1998.
  92. Results from a Gyrotropic Two Ion Fluid Model for the Comet Interaction with the Solar Wind, Z. Gan-Baruch, R. Wegmann, A. Eviatar and H.U. Schmidt, Journal of Geophysical Research, 103, 23,639-26,352, 1998.
  93. Plasma flow in the magnetosphere of Ganymede, A. Eviatar, A.F. Cheng, C. Paranicas, B.H. Mauk, R.W. McEntire and D.J. Williams, Geophysical Research Letters, 25, 1257-1260, 1998.
  94. OH in Saturn's magnetosphere, observations and implications,  J.D. Richardson, A. Eviatar, M.A. McGrath and V.M. Vasyliunas,Journal of Geophysical Research,103. 20,245-20,256, 1998.
  95. Trapped Energetic Electrons in the magnetosphere of Ganymede, A. Eviatar, D.J. Williams, C. Paranicas, R.W. McEntire, B.H. Mauk and M.G, Kivelson, Journal of Geophysical Research, 105, 5547-5553, 2000,
  96. Outflow of ions from Ganymede: A reinterpretation, V.M. Vasyliunas and A. Eviatar, Geophysical Research Letters, 27, 1347-1350, 2000.
  97. The ionosphere of Ganymede,A. Eviatar, V.M. Vasyliunas and D.A. Gurnett, Planetary and Space Sciences,49,327-336, 2001.
  98. Understanding Io's space environment interaction: Recent energetic electron measurements from Galileo, B.H. Mauk, D.J. Williams and A. Eviatar, Journal of Geophysical Research, 106, 26,195-26,208, 2001.
  99. Excitation of the Ganymede ultraviolet aurora, A. Eviatar, D.F. Strobel, B.C. Wolven, P.D. Feldman, M.A. McGrath and D.J. Williams, Astrophysical Journal, 555, 1013-1019, 2001.
  100. Saturn: Search for a missing water source, S. Jurac, M.A. McGrath, R.E. Johnson, J.D. Richardson, V.M. Vasyliunas and A. Eviatar, Geophysical Research Letters, 29, 2172-2175, 2002.
  101. The Source of Hydrogen Ions at Io, A. Eviatar, V.M. Vasyliunas and R. E. Johnson, Journal of Geophysical Research, submitted, 2002.
  102. Solar Wind Interactions with Comet 19P/Borrelly, D.T. Young, F.J.Crary, J.E. Nordholt, F. Bagenal, D.Boice, J.L. Burch, A. Eviatar, R. Goldstein, J.J. Hanley, D.R. Lawrence, D.J. McComas, R. Meier, D. Reisenfeld, K. Sauer and R.C.Wiens, Icarus,168, 80-88, 2004

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