йгйтеп ъщ"т


щйое мб: мез дбзйреъ йфешсн бъзймъ зегщ сфиобш.

сймбес обеа мсорийчд

(чешс осфш 06271142)

зебд щрд а'

г"ш рйшйъ чгоеп

обеа айий могй (ан лй отойч могй) мсорийчъ-ърай-аоъ щм щфд ибтйъ.
змч 1: оещвйн, щйиеъ еоишеъ йсегййн (лемм чщшйн мъзбйш емфшвоийчд). дешад, оебп, вшйшд, айофмйчиешд щйзъйъ, чгн-дрзеъ, чеофежйцйерамйеъ...
змч 2: гйеп офеши боаоше щм веимеб фшвд 'тм оебп едешад'.
змч 3: сорийчд чеофежйцйерамйъ оегм-ъйаешийъ (алсирцйерамйъ) щм фшавори щм арвмйъ длемм фшгйчацйд ечЗщИшйн.
змч 4: обеа ма-фешоамй мъзщйб фшгйчаийн (лмеош мевйчд тн лйоеъ). ощърйн лбемйн/зфщййн, ресзаеъ фъезеъ/свешеъ, йлемъ дъаод бйп ощфийн бщфд ибтйъ мресзаеъ щм ъзщйб фшгйчаийн.

A fairly slow-paced (though in-depth) introduction to truth-conditional semantics of natural language.
PART 1: Basic concepts, goals and methods (including connections to syntax and pragmatics). Reference, sense, entailment, presupposition, conversational implicature, compositionality... Reading: chapter 1 of:
Chierchia, Gennaro and Sally McConnell-Ginet, 2000: Meaning and Grammar: An Introductions to Semantics, MIT Press
PART 2: Detailed discussion of the following article.
Frege, gottlob, 1982: 'Ьber Sinn und Bedeutung', Zeitschrift fьr Philosophie und philosophische Kritik, pp.22-50. English translation: 'On Sense and Reference', in P. Geach & M. Black )eds.(, 1980: Translations from the Philosophical Writings of Gottlob Frege, Blackwell, Oxford. Reprinted in A.P. Martinich (ed.), 1985: The Philosophy of Language, Oxford University Press, Oxford.
PART 3: Compositional model-theoretic semantics (extensional) for a fragment of English which includes predication and truth-conditional connectives. Derivation of truth-conditions, proofs of simple (semantic) entailments. Reading:
chapter 2 of Chierchia & McConnell-Ginet 2000.
PART 4: Informal introduction to predicate calculus (i.e., logic with quantification). Bound/free variables, closed/open formulas, skill of matching English sentences with PC formulas.

гшйщеъ чгн: обеа мбмщреъ



  • оетг а' щм сосиш б' йъчййн бйен 30/06/2010 бщтд 12:30
  • оетг б' щм сосиш б' йъчййн бйен 02/08/2010 бщтд 12:30

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