מעודכן ליום ראשון 21 באוגוסט 2005

SHAMIR, Dr. MBA Advanced Course
The genre of the “political novel” is a difficult one to define. Some define it as literature that deals with the world of politics and politicians; others insist that all novels are political. Rejecting the first definition as too narrow and the second as too wide, this course will survey the ways in which specific political issues were dealt with, and have shaped, the American novel in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. It will examine a variety of artistic forms deployed by political novelists: bestsellers, propagandistic works, satire, utopia, sentimentalism, and more.

TEXTS will include novels by Harriet Beecher Stowe, Thomas Dixon, Charlotte Perkins Gilman, Edward Bellamy, Upton Sinclair, and Richard Wright.

REQUIREMENST: short papers, final paper, and a short final exam.

הערות: Second Semester
מועדי הבחינות:
מועד א' של סמסטר ב' יתקיים ביום 20/06/2005 בשעה 16:00
מועד ב' של סמסטר ב' יתקיים ביום 21/07/2005 בשעה 9:00