Yair Hoffman, Department of Bible

Short Curriculum Vitae (highlights):

Yair Hoffman is a Full Professor at the Department of Bible, TAU and the Chairman of the Department of Bible at Seminar Hakibuzim College, Tel-Aviv. Born in Tel-Aviv (1937). He graduated (1962 Bible and Hebrew Literature), completed his MA (thesis: 'Edom in the Prophetic Literature,'1967) and his Ph.D. (1974, thesis: 'The Prophecies on Foreign Nations in the Hebrew Bible'). Since 1967 he is teaching mainly at TAU.

Yair Hoffman was Chairman of the Department of Judaism at Beth-Berl College (1973-1975); Chairman of the Department of Bible, TAU (1982-1985; 1990-1991) and Chairman of the Program for BA General, the Faculty of Humanities TAU (1988-1989). He was a Visiting Researcher, in the Department of Near Eastern Studies, UC Berkeley (1980); Visiting Professor in the Department of Hebrew Studies, UW Milwaukee, Wisconsin (1986), 1993- Visiting Professor, Department of Theology, University of Calgary, Alberta, (1993). Professor Hoffman is married + 3 daughters.

Major publications (books and major articles):

*Selected Books*

1.The Prophecies Against Foreign Nations in the Bible [Heb.] (Tel-Aviv: TAU School of Jewish Studies and Am-Oved, 1971)

2. The Doctrine of the Exodus in the Bible, [Heb.] (Tel-Aviv: TAU School of Jewish Studies and University Publishing Projects, 1983)

3. The Book of Jeremiah, Olam Hatanach vol. 11 [Heb.] (Ramat-Gan: Revivim, 1983)

4. The Book of Isaiah Olam Hatanch vol. 10 [Heb.] (Ramat-Gan: Revivim, 1986)

5. A Blemished Perfection: The Book of Job in Context (Sheffield: JSOT Supplement Series 213, 1996)

*Selected English Articles*

1. Did Amos Regard himself as a Nabi? Vetus Testamentum 27 (1977), 209-212

2. On Jeremiah 2:30, Zeitschrift fr die altestamentliche Wissenschaft 89 (1977) 209-212

3. The Use of Equivocal Words in the First Speech of Eliphaz, Vetus Testamentum 30 (1980), 114- 119

4. Y. Hoffman, The Day of The Lord as a Concept and a Term, Zeitschrift für die altestamentliche Wissenschaft 93 (1981), 37-50

5. Y. Hoffman, The Relations Between The Prologue and the Speech-Cycles in the Book of Job, Vetus Testamentum 31 (1981),160-170

6. Y. Hoffman, From Oracle to Prophecy: The Growth, Crystallization and Disintegration of a Biblical Gattung, Journal of Northwest Semitic Languages 10 (1983), 75-81

7. Y. Hoffman, A North Israelite Typological Myth and a Judaean Historical Tradition: The Exodus in Hosea and Amos, Vetus Testamentum 39 (1989) 169-182

8. Y. Hoffman, Ancient Near Eastern Literary Conventions as Guides to the Restoration of the Book of Job, Zeitschrift für die altestamentliche Wissenschaft 103 (1991) 399-411

9. Y. Hoffman, The Creativity of Theodicy, in: Justice and Righteousness, ed. H.Graf Reventlow-Y.Hoffman JSOT Supplement Series 137 (Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press 1992) 117-130

10. Y. Hoffman, Reflections on the Relationship Between Theopolitics, Prophecy and Historiography, in: Politics and Theopolitics in the Bible, JSOT Supplement Series 171 editors: H. Graf Reventlow and Y. Hoffman (Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press

11. Y. Hoffman, The Concept of Other Gods in Deuteronomistic Writings, Israel Oriental Studies 14 (1994) 103-118)

12. Y. Hoffman, Isn't The Bride Too Beautiful? JSOT 63 (1994) 103-119

13. Y. Hoffman, The Deuteronomist and the Exile, Pomegranates and golden Bells: Studies in Biblical Jewish and Near Eastern Ritual, Law and Literature in Honor of J. Milgrom edited by : D.P.Wright, D.N.Freedman, A.Hurvitz (Winona Lake: Eisenbrauns

14. Y. Hoffman, Ethiology, Historicity and the Redaction of the Book of Jeremiah, Vetus Testamentum 46 (1996) 179-189

Teaches in the following subject areas:

Biblical Eschatology
Biblical Historiography
Biblical Prophecy
Biblical Wisdom Literature
Biblical Psalm Literature
Biblical Storytelling

Teaches the following courses in the current academicyear:

The Book of Jeremiah
The Psalm Literature
Introduction to Modern Biblical Criticism
Introduction to Biblical Ideas
Modernism and Post-Modernism in Biblical Study

Additional points of contact (office/home telephone,fax,etc.):

Home: 96 Arbel St. Alfey-Menashe, Israel, 44851.

University: 972-3-6409077; 972-3-6409422

Fax: School of Jewish Studies: 972-3-6407031

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