Shamir Ziva, Katz Institute


Short Corriculum Vitae (Highlights):

Prof. Ziva Shamir
Head of the Katz Institute
Born in Israel, 1946

1960-1961 Junior High School, Riverdale New-York
1962-1964 Ohel-Shem High School, Ramat-Gan
1964-1965 Military Service
1965-1968 B.A. Studies in Hebrew Literature & English Literature ("cum Laude")
1969-1973 M.A Studies in Hebrew Literature & English Literature + teaching certificate
1973-1980 PhD studies + dissertation on Bialik’s Juvenalia (1890-1900)
1970-2000 Member of the research team at the Katz Institute for Hebrew Literary research at Tel-Aviv University
1974-2000 Member of the teaching staff of the department of Hebrew Literature at Tel-Aviv University

Public activities:
Chairperson of the Literature Committee, the Ministry of Education
Chairperson of the Literature Committee, Tel-Aviv Municipality, 1995-1999.
Member of the Board of Directors: Beth Scholem Aleichem, Alterman Institute

Member of the Board of Directors: The Association of Hebrew Writers

Major publications (books and major articles):

1. Poet of Poverty (Folklore in Bialik’s Works), Papyrus, Tel-Aviv 1986.
2. Not for Adults Only (Bialik’s Children’s Literature), Papyrus, Tel-Aviv 1986.
3. Where Shall Poetry be Found (Ars Poetica in Bialik’s Works), Papyrus, Tel-Aviv 1987.
4. The Vagrant Bard (Avant-garde in Alterman’s Poetry), Papyrus, Tel-Aviv 1989.
5. Love Unveiled (The Adapted Folktale ‘The Legend of Three and Four’), Dvir, Tel-Aviv 1991.
6. The Origins of Originality (The Poetry of Ratosh - Father of the Cnaanites) Hakibbutz Hameuchad Publishing House, Tel-Aviv 1993.
7. No Story, No History, Bialik's Stories from Texture to Context, Hakibbuts Hameuchad Publishing House, Tel-Aviv 1998.
8. Sites and Situations, Poetics and Politics in Alterman's Works, Tel-Aviv 1999; 2nd ed, 2000.
9. A Track of Her Own, Traces of the Ura Jan Affair in Bialik’s Works. In Print, 350 p.
over 60 articles in the following subject areas

Teaches in the following subject areas:

Haskala (Enlightenment), 19th century Hebrew Poetry
Bialik & Tchernichovsky - Hebrew Romantic Poetry
Modernism (Shlonsky, Alterman, Ratosh)
Postmodrnism in current Hebrew prose writing

Teaches the following courses in the current academic year:

The last decade of Ch. N. Bialik (poetry, prose, adapted folktales, nursery rimes etc) - M.A. Seminary
The long poem - Gordon, Bialik, Alterman - B.A. Seminary

Areas of current research interest:

Hebrew poetry and poetics of three major generations: Haskala (1850-1980), Thiya (1890-1910), Modernism (1920-1950).

Additional points of contact (office/home telephone, fax, etc.):

Personal address:
6 Kehilat Venezia st.
Tel-Aviv, Israel
Tel. 03-6488049

office: 972-3-6409701
fax: 972-3-6407031