Sara Klein-Braslavy,

Department of Jewish Philosophy

Born in Tel-Aviv, 1942.



Tel-Aviv University

Philosophy,Hebrew Literature.




The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Philosophy,Hebrew Literature.







The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Philosophy,Hebrew Literature.



Tel-Aviv University


M.A degree



Tel-Aviv University


M.A (Cum laude)- M.A. Thesis: The Philosophy of R, Nissim Gerondi (Based on Shnem Asar Derushim). Written under the direction of Prof. J. Levinger.


Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes, Sorbonne, Paris

Jewish Medieval Philosophy



Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes, Sorbonne, Paris

Jewish Medieval Philosophy

Doctorat de 3e cycle (Cum laude)
Dissertation: R. Nissim Ben Reuben de G
טrone devant la philosophie de son Temps Written under the direction of Prof. G. Vajda.


Academic and professional experience

1965-67 - Department of Philosophy, Tel Aviv University.

1969 - Department of Jewish Philosophy, Tel Aviv University.

1973 - PUM, (IDF)

1979-80 - Visiting Research Professor at Harvard University, Center for Jewish Studies.

1982-83 - Visiting Research Professor at Paris University (Universite de Paris Paris III).

1987 - Visiting Research Professor at Paris University (Universit de Paris Paris III).

1994-98 - Head of the Department of Jewish Philosophy, Tel Aviv University.

1996 - Visiting Research Professor at The School of Asian and African Studies (SOAS), University of London.

1997 - Full professor at the department of Jewish Philosophy, Tel Aviv University.


S. Klein-Braslavy has lectured and attended scientific meetings in Israel

and abroad.

Major publications (books and major articles):

A. Books

1. Maimonides' Interpretation of the Story of Creation, Jerusalem 1978

(second edition Jerusalem1987). (Hebrew)

2. Maimonides' Interpretation of the Adam Stories in Genesis - A Study in

Maimonides' Anthropology. Jerusalem 1986 (Hebrew)

3. King Solomon and Philosophical Esotericism in the Thought of

Maimonides, Jerusalem 1996. (Hebrew)

B. Major articles

1. “The Reality of Time and the Primordial Period in Medieval Jewish

Philosophy”, Tarbiz 45 (1975), 106-127 (Hebrew)

2. “Vérité prophétiaue et v érité philosophique chez Nissim de Gérone; une

interpretation du Récit de la Création et du Réci t du Char”, Revue des

Etudes Juives, cxxxiv (1975), 75-99.

3. “The Gathering at Mount Sinai in the Thought of R. Nissim ben Reuben

Gerondi”, Sinai 80 (1977), 26-37. (Hebrew)

4. “The Influence of R. Nissim Gerondi on Crescas' and Albo's ‘Principles

of Faith’” Eshel Beer-Sheva II (1980), 177-197. (Hebrew)

5. “Gan Eden et Gehinom dans le systטme de Hasdai Crescas”, Hommage א

George Vajda, Louvain1980, 263-278.

6. “The Creation of Man and the Story of the Garden of Eden in the

Thought of Abraham Bar Hiyya”, Professor Israel Efros - Poet and

Philosopher, Tel Aviv 1981, 203-229. (Hebrew)

7. “Maimonides' Interpretation of the Verb Bara and the Creation of the

World” , Da'at 16 (1986), 39-55. (Hebrew)

8. “The Creation of the World and Maimonides' Interpretation of Gen.

i-v”, Maimonides and Philosophy, ed. S. Pines and Y. Yovel, Nijhoff--

Dordrecht 1986, 65-78.

9. “Maimonides' Interpretation of Jacob's Ladder”, Annual of Bar-Ilan

University, Studies in Judaica and Humanities, Moshe Schwarcz Memorial

Volume, XXII-XXIII (1987), 329-349. (Hebrew)

10. “Gersonides on Determinism, Possibility, Choice and Foreknowledge”,

Da'at 22 (1989), 5-53. (Hebrew)

11. “Gersonides on the Mode of Communicating Knowledge of the Future to

the Dreamer and Clairvoyant”, Perspectives on Jewish Thought and Mysticism,

eds. A. Ivry, E. R. Wolfson & A. Arkush, London 1998, 151-179.

c. Chapters in books:

1. Ch. 31.3 “The Philosophical Exegesis: Solomon Ibn Gabirol, Bahya Ben

Joseph, Judah Halevi and Moses Ben Maimon/ Maimonides/ Rambam”, in: Hebrew

Bible/ Old Testament - the history of its Interpretation, ed. by M. Saebo,

M. Haran and C, Brekelmans, V andenhoeck & Ruprecht, Gצttingen,

vol. I/2, 38 p. (forthcoming)

Teaches in the following subject areas:

History of Jewish Medieval Philosophy. Philosophical Interpretations of the

Bible and the Aggada in Jewish Medieval Philosophy, the Thought of

Maimonides, Gersonides and Crescas.


Teaches the following courses in the current academic year:

Introduction to Jewish Medieval Philosophy

Gersonides’ Theory of Knowledge (M.A. Seminar)

The purpose of Man in the Thought of R. Hasdai Crescas (B.A. Seminar)

Maimonides’ interpretation of the book of Job

Areas of current research interest:

Maimonides' philosophical interpretation of the Bible (and the Aggada) ;

Philosophical interpretations of the Bible and the Aggada in the Middle

Ages; The different aspects of the issue of foreknowledge and the place of

astrology in the thought of R. Levi ben Gershom (14th century, Provence).

Gersonides' methods of inquiry. Maimonides' influence on Jewish Medieval



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