Holtzman Avner, Dept. of Hebrew Literature

Short Curriculum Vitae (highlights):

Place and Date of Birth: Israel, September 11, 1956.

1982 - B.A. in Hebrew Literature and History of Art
1985 - M.A. in Hebrew Literature
1989 - Ph.D. in Hebrew Literature

Professional Experience
Teacher and researcher in the Hebrew literature department, Tel-Aviv University:
1982 - Assistant
1987 - Instructor
1992 - Senior Lecturer
1995 - Tenure

1992-1994 - Guest-Lecturer, the Hebrew literature department of the Hebrew University, Jerusalem.
1990-1997 - Consultant and supervisor, the Open University of Israel.
1987-1997 - Manager of The M.J. Berdyczewski Archive in Holon, and editor of "Ginze Micha Yosef", the archive's periodical.
1995 - Visiting Scholar, The Oxford Centre for Post-Graduate Jewish and Hebrew Studies, Oxford, England.

Major publications (books and major articles):

Books (All in Hebrew)

1) Avigdor Hameiri and War Literature, Tel-Aviv 1986.

2) Essays on M.J. Berdyczewski, Tel-Aviv 1993.

3) The Early 20th Century Hebrew Short Story. Unit 1: Historical-Literary Introduction, Tel-Aviv 1993.

4) Towards the Tear in the Heart. M.J. Berdyczewski - The Formative Years (1887-1902), Jerusalem 1995.

5) Literature and The Plastic Arts, Tel-Aviv 1997 (forthcoming).

Major Articles (in Hebrew)

1) "The Documentary Novels of Avigdor Hameiri", in: Avigdor Hameiri, The Great Madness, Tel-Aviv 1989, pp. 271-295.

2) "'Against the Stream' by Y. Bershadsky - A Juncture in the History of the Hebrew Novel", Dappim - Research In Literature, No. 7, 1991, pp. 111-124.

3) "The Stories of Y. L. Gordon - from Satire to Humor", Sadan, No. 1, 1994, pp. 105-129.

4) "Uri Zvi Greenberg and the Plastic Arts", Bikoret U-Farshanut, No. 29, 1993, pp. 5-15.

5) "The Transforming Status of the Visual Arts in Hebrew Literary Thought (1861-1923)", Tarbiz, Vol. 63, 1994, pp. 555-596.

6) "The Legend of the Artist. Vincent Van-Gogh and Hebrew literature", Alpayim, No. 8, 1994, pp. 98-124.

7) "M.Z. Mane - The Poet As A Painter", Mahut, No. 11, 1994, pp. 68-93.

8) "The Unwritten Biography. 'The Living on the Dead' - A Key to the Work of Aharon Meged", The Israel Levin Book, Vol. 2. 1995, pp. 105-121.

9) "Ekphrasis in Modern Hebrew Poetry", Jerusalem Studies in Hebrew Literature, No. 15, 1995, pp. 247-278.

10) "Contemporary Trends in Israeli fiction of the Holocaust" Dappim -Research In Literature, No. 10, 1996, pp. 131-158.

Articles in English

1) "rends in Israeli Holocaust Fiction in the 1980s", Modern Hebrew Literature, New Series No. 8-9, 1992, pp. 23-28.

2) "Hebrew Literature, Modern", in Encyclopaedia Judaica Decennial Book 1983-1992, ed. Geoffrey Wigoder, Keter Publishing House, Jerusalem 1994, pp. 167-171. [Update entry for the years 1983-1992].

3) "Strange Fire and Secret Thunder: Between Micha Yosef Berdyczevski and Amos Oz", Prooftexts, No. 15, 1995, pp. 145-162.

Teaches in the following subject areas:

Hebrew literature of the 19th and 20th centuries
Modern Hebrew literature in its historical, social, ideological and cultural contexts
Literature and the visual arts - theory and practice

Teaches the following courses in the current academic year:

Hebrew literature in the beginning of the 20th century and its research
The "Mendele style" versus the "Berdyczewski style" in Hebrew narrative fiction
Time and Space in literature and in the visual arts
Elements of fiction
Research seminar

Areas of current research interest:

Literature and the visual arts
Hebrew literature in the beginning of the 20th century
The history of modern Hebrew narrative fiction
The literary work of Micha Josef Berdyczewski
Hebrew literature and the Zionist movement
The Hebrew literary center in Poland between the two world wars
Hebrew literature and the Holocaust

Additional points of contact (office/home telephone,fax,etc.):

Telephone (office): 03-6409613 / 03-6409880
Fax (office): 03-6407031
Telephone (home): 03-5743705
Fax (home): 03-6742599
Home address: 51 Hasar Moshe Street, Ramat-Gan 52334