The Levi and Fortuna Eskenazi
Sculpture Garden

The Levi and Fortuna Eskenazi Sculpture Garden, which was dedicated on 23 May 1989 in the presence of Mr. Matatia and his family, is a direct continuation of the university gallery, and holds a permanent exhibition of sculpture, separate sculpture exhibits and those connected with the gallery itself.

The Wings of Peace, 1990
Carlo Zauli
ceramic casting,
height 160 cm
Avalanche , 1980
Pierre Arman
bronze, height 80 cm
Solar Stairs: Homange to Kepler, 1988-89
Gio Pomodoro
Trani stone, height 280 cm

The Genia Schreiber University Art Gallery

Address for corrrespondence:
The Genia Schreiber University Art Gallery
Faculty of the Arts
Tel-Aviv University
Ramat Aviv, Tel-Aviv 69978
FAX: 972-3-6409020