Research in Medical Clowning – Request for Proposals


Goal of Proposal

- To encourage academic researchers to develop proper structured evidence research programs that test and evaluate the effects of medical clowning.

- To support research programs that test the underlying hypothesis that underlies the belief in the value of the discipline of Medical Clowning.

- To support research that objectively compares various techniques of Medical Clowning and quantifies the comparative value and success of different approaches and styles of Medical Clowning.


Applicants for support are limited to personnel who are bases in a recognized academic institution, a certified medical facility or an established medical clowning program. Documentations as to who is the sponsoring organization is a prerequisite for submitting an application.


Applicants must demonstrate that they have the organizational experience, available personnel, and understanding of the professional and administrative issues involved in conducting clinical research. Approval by a recognized IRB (Institutional Research Board) aka as Helsinki Committee is a prerequisite.


Request for support is limited to a maximum of $10,000 per year. Preference will be awarded to proposals that indicate that there are matching funds from the sponsoring organization. Request for support for travel to medical meetings will not be honored. Likewise, request for purchase of major equipment will not be honored.


The Magi Foundation for research in medical clowning reserves the right to:

- Reject any or all submitted proposals or discontinue the request for proposals (RFP) process without any obligation or liability.

- Accept other than the lowest cost proposal

- Limit number of grants (without obligation to allocate all available funds)


Application Format

The detailed proposal should be submitted in a format that includes:

- Executive summary (or abstract) of proposal

- Underlying hypothesis to be tested

- Methodology including sample size, control of biases and statistical analysis

-Time line for study participants' recruitment, analysis of results and completion of project

- Project management and reporting mechanism

- Detailed budgetary request and allocations including overhead should be provided

- Project staffing (number, professional experience and degrees)

- Evaluation process

- Institutional overview (e.g. where applicable: Registered name, address, contact numbers, corporate structure, key personnel)


Deadline for application submission: March 15, 2012

Review of application: March-May 2012

Announcement of grantees: May 15, 2012

Availability of funds: July 1, 2012


Proposal and inquiries should be submitted to:

Yaacov Shriqui, Chairman

7 Vered St.

Lehavim, Israel 85338


