Scholarship Program by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)

for the Academic Year 2014/2015



The German Academic Exchange Service (Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst, DAAD) provides an extensive program of scholarships for Israeli graduate students and academics of Israeli universities and research institutes:


a) Research Grants/Study Scholarships

Research grants/Study Scholarship for doctoral candidates and young Academics/Scientists for a research project or a course of continuing education in Germany.

It is also possible to receive this reseaerch grant in a so-called "DAAD Sandwich Model" in order to do research at a German university for a PhD degree at the Israeli university.

This scholarship is for students of all fields of study and research, and for a duration of 1 month up to 1 year or possibly for up to 3 years in case of aiming at a degree from a German University.


b) Study Scholarship for Artists

This scholarship is offered for artists from the field of Fine Art, Design, Film, Music, Architecture, Drama, Direction, Dance and Choreography who want to complete a course of extension studies at a state institution of higher education in Germany, for one academic year, without gaining a formal degree.

Applicants for this scholarship must have completed a degree at an Israeli institution for the arts.


c) Research Stays for University Academics and Scientists

These grants and scholarships aim to provide foreign academics and scientists workin in higher education or at research institutes with an opportunity to carry out a research project at a state institution of higher education or a research institute in Germany. Duration of the stay from 1 month to 3 months.


d) Re-invitation Program for Former Scholarship Holders

The re-invitation program wishes to help former DAAD scholarship holders of grants for 6 months and more to maintain contact with Germany. Funding is available for research or work projects (for one to three months) to be comleted at a state institution of higher education or a research institute in Germany. Former grantees working outside the science sector can also apply for funding to cover a working stay at another institution in business, industry, administration, culture or media in Germany.


e) Summer Courses at German Universities

German language courses held at German universities and "Fachhochschulen" with lectures on various academic subjects, for a duration of at least 18 days during the summer months.


f) Intensive Language Courses in Germany

A two-months intensive German language course at a language institute in Germany for advanced students of any subject.

Some German knowledge required.


g) Study Visits, Seminars and Practicals in Germany

This program is offered to groups of foreign students matriculated in their second semester or higher in a relevant degree program at a foreign university, headed by a university teacher for a duration from 7-12 days.


h) Practical Traineeships for Foreign Students

This program is offered to foreign students of Natural and Engineering Sciences, Agriculture and Forestry in countries with a National IAESTE Committee. The objective is practical training placement for for a duration from 2-3 months at various firms, institutions of higher education and research institutes.


i) Research fellowships in the fields of Space, Aeronautics, Energy and Transportation Research

This is a new research fellowship implemented by the DLR (German Center for Aeronautics and Space) and the DAAD intended for highly-qualified foreign doctoral and postdoctoral students and senior scientists in order to conduct special research at the institute of the DLR in Germany. Duration of the stay from 1 month up to 36 months, depending on the target group.


Application forms can be downloaded from the homepage of the DAAD (

Please note the deadlines for the submission of applications to the embassy in the different categories:

Deadline A, B, C and D: 31 October 2013 at the German Embassy, Tel Aviv

Deadline E and F: 15 Decenber 2013 at the German Embassy, Tel Aviv


Applications for G and I have to be sent to the DAAD directly and applications for H to the IAESTE Committee directly.


Please note that for A and B you should apply online ( and via regular mail to the Embassy.


For further information you may also contact one of the DAAD-Lecturers:

Dr. Kristina Reiss, Hebrew University Jerusalem, E-Mail:

Winfried Schumacher, Haifa University, E-Mail: wschuma@univ.haifa,ac,il

Dr. Michael Elm, Ben Gurion University, Be'er Sheva, E-Mail:

Dr. Birgit Erdle Wildmann, Walter Benjamin-Lehrstuhl, Hebrew University, Jerusalem, E-Mail:


More information about the DAAD and the scholarships can be found on the following links: